
pet society bet coin cheat

pet society has a new cheat coin, bet once can earn 3k coins! cool!

1. Tools: Flash player 9, Firefox, Cheat engine 5.5

2. login pet soicety, go to stadium, bet race, choose one pet, click start(don’t start run!!)

3. run Cheat engine, choose your Firefox browser , select 8 bytes, Hex, Also scan memory .

4.Hex input :00002843C7E85D8B, First scan

5.you will find out one result at the left handside, choose this result, right click=>Disassemble this memory region, select the top line, right click =>Go to address, copy that address
6.visit http://patiniox.blogspot.com/ PS 2.0 Plus, in first line, paste the address code you copied

7.back to pet society,click ready,after start the race,back to CE,in Hex input: 468BF4758BE85D8B=>new scan=>first scan,

8.you will find out one result at the left handside, choose this result, right click=>Disassemble this memory region, select the top line, right click =>Go to address, copy that address
9.back to http://patiniox.blogspot.com/ PS 2.0 Plus, in scend line, paste the address code you copied,click the searching icon,copy output,then back to cheat engine,choose Tools => Auto assemble => right click=>paste=>excute

10.back to pet society, you can earn 3k coin once~~

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